A vignette of a small pocket in Meanjin’s underground art scene - a melting pot of ambitions and backgrounds that managed to thrive off one another.

A short documentary shot on 16mm, based on residents and locally prominent figures in artist-ran venue, shooting studio, music studio, & co-working space “VentSpace”.

The host of many underground art events and shoots, VentSpace opened up during the Covid-19 pandemic. At that period of time, Brisbane based artists, used to travelling inter-state for stronger communities, found themselves having to establish their own locally due to lockdown laws. What resulted was a surge of collaboration within the community, with bigger ambitions supported by in-kind contributions. VentSpace created a space for both experienced and emerging artistic talents, becoming a home to many expressive individuals.

Directed & Edited by: Luis Campbell
Cinematography by: Alex Shingles
1st AC: Sandro Karayan
2nd AC: Felix Lovell
BTS/Stills by: Rebecca Tate
Starring: RED, RUSTY, Shimmer, Jack Phoenix, Spot Willows, SQYRE, Daphne, Cretins Studios, Livvy Watkins, Aleja, Samuel Lo Bocchiaro, Germ, Atlas, Ruby Ford, Henry Ford, Julian Darcy, MAYATU


With Wonder (Short)


Tiffi Visualisers